Comparisons of trunk neural crest cells migratory pathways and its derivatives indicates that there are many similarities across evolution, while there are also distinctions among early vertebrates that suggest neural crest cells to be unique between species.
What are the migratory pathways of trunk neural crest cells during embryo development across evolution? Are all mammalian neural crest cells derivatives a result of conserved evolution?
Collect, observe and compare neural crest cells in different vertebrate embryos across evolution using molecular and cellular techniques.
My lab looks at neural crest throughout evolution in elasmobranchs, amphibians and reptiles

Migrating trunk neural crest cells express receptors for a variety of ligands that can hypothetically modulate its migratory capabilities.
What is the function of Slit ligands and its Robo receptor during trunk neural crest migration?
How do trunk NCC know where to stop migrating?
By manipulating the trunk neural crest cell in chicken embryos via transgenic techniques.
Understand trunk neural crest migration as modulated by molecules along their path

Identify molecules that determine the specific migratory pathways decisions by neural crest cells and its derivatives (Schwann cells and Melanocyes)
Trunk neural crest cells use a variety of signals that guide these cells to their final targets in an embryo.
What are the molecules that attract or repel trunk neural crest cells during their migration in an early embryo?
Do melanocytes and melanoma cancer cells use same migratory signals?
Compare the migratory response of trunk neural crest cells and melanoma cancer cells in vitro and in vitro when exposed the different guidance and trophic molecules.

Identify what is causing neuronal death in a rat model for Ataxia
The Spastic Han-Wistar rat strain at CSUN suffers neuronal loss as it ages, leading to "Parkinson-like" symptoms.
What are the neural genes regulated in the spastic animals compared with healthy siblings?
Compare the RNA expression between spastic and control rats.
Look at the neuronal morphology in the spastic animals.
In vitro culture the neurons of spastic rats.